Slideshow Shortcode
NivoSlide Shortcode
Curabitur a velum purus. Nam vel risus a elit malesuada dictum. The effect parameter can be any of the following:
[list type=”check_alt”]
- sliceDown
- sliceDownLeft
- sliceUp
- sliceUpLeft
- sliceUpDown
- sliceUpDownLeft
- fold
- fade
[list type=”check_alt”]
- slideInRight
- slideInLeft
- boxRandom
- boxRain
- boxRainReverse
- boxRainGrow
- boxRainGrowReverse
- random
[nivoslide gallery_id=”1307″ effect=”boxRainGrow” width=”620″ height=”420″]
[nivoslide gallery_id=”1307″ effect=”boxRainGrow” width=”620″ height=”420″]
Galleria Slideshow Shortcode
Curabitur a velum purus. Nam vel risus a elit malesuada dictum. Quisque rutrum neque nec tortor mollis ut vulputate lectus rutrum. Suspendisse non quam enim. Nam elit orci, vestibulum et mattis ullamcorper, venenatis a urna. Donec vel ullamcorper dui.
[galleria gallery_id=”1307″ width=”620″ height=”420″]
[galleria gallery_id=”1307″ width=”620″ height=”420″]
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