
Chodesh Adar

ב”ה ליל ועש”ק פר’ תצוה, שבת זכור, שנת “שבעת” לפ”ק Dear Alumni Sheyichyu! Sholom U’Brocho! Mazel Tov to Chanochie Deitch on the occasion of his engagement. Mazel Tov to Chaim Itkin on the occasion of his engagement. May they use out the special period of Yokor Mikol yokor to its’ utmost! Mazel Tov to Shmery...


Beautiful Story

By Rabbi Yakov Wagner Dear Bochurim and Yungerleit, sheyichyu, In sicha after sicha and farbrengen after farbrengen on Shabbos parshas Vayechi the Rebbe addressed the question – Why is the conclusion of parshas Vayechi, and indeed the entire sefer Bereshis – the first book of the Torah – a verse that has such a morose...


Bark Mitzvah

ליל ועש”ק פר’ שמות, שנת “שבעת” לפ”ק Sholom U’Brocho! Mazel Tov to Shalom Goldberg on the occasion of his engagement. Mazel Tov to Kutty Goldstein on the occasion of his engagement. May they use out the special period of Yokor Mikol yokor to its’ utmost! Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Peretz Schapiro on the...


Shabbos Chazak

ליל ועש”ק פר’ ויחי, שבת חזק, שנת “שבעת” לפ”ק The following story was related to the Rebbe by a chosid from Australia, during a yechidus that took place in 5724. The yechidus is recorded in the hosafos of sichos kodesh of that year: During the nesius of the Frierdike Rebbe, there was a chosid who...


Parshas Vayechi

ליל ועש”ק פר’ ויחי, שבת חזק, שנת “שבעת” לפ”ק Birkas Tanchumin to Mendel Groden on the untimely passing of his brother. המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים and the future should contain only revealed simchos until speedily ומחה ה’ דמעה מעכ”פ. Mazel Tov to Shmery Labkowski on the occasion of his engagement. Mazel...