Student Outreach
ocial activism plays a major role in the Yeshiva curriculum. Students are encouraged to develop a sense of social consciousness and to actively engage members of the larger Toronto community in carrying out acts of goodness and kindness and the performance of Mitzvos. These aims are achieved through the vehicle of a diverse community service program. This program includes the following:
- Weekly (Friday) Visits to offices, stores, and homes to provide Jewish instructions.
- Wide scale distribution of Jewish ritual items to nearby hospitals and nursing homes, to bring inspiration and good cheer to patients and staff, such as Mezuzos, candlesticks, charity boxes and special holiday requirements such as Matzo for Pesach, Menoras for Chanukah and Mishloach Manos gift packages for Purim.
- Providing Guidance and counseling to the elderly and children.
- Special services.
- A community Sukkah and a Sukkah mobile to bring the holiday spirit to distant communities.
- A Lag B′omer parade for school children.
- Arranging recital of Kaddish for those who need it recited for a loved one.
- Off Campus programs for Jewish students at colleges and universities throughout the province so that they may develop a deeper understanding of Judaism as it applies to contemporary society.
These programs are run by the Student Organization, which is a self-governing body. Broad policies are set by faculty members who also participate, with their families, in many of the organization’s activities.